Monday, December 6, 2010

Calling secured Web services methods from PHP

  • An overview of SOAP in PHP
  • A demonstration of how to create security headers with an actual implementation example
  • A description of complex structures that may be passed as parameters to SOAP methods and how to transform the PHP representation of such parameters into the required format of a SOAP call argument

  •  Getting started
    Open source applications and open standards are becoming the preferred method for building applications on the Web. The most effective way to create such applications is to utilize existing software components and services across the Web. A common implementation of such a tiered application includes server-side PHP scripts using Web services. With this type of architecture, there is an increased need for secured communication.
    SOAP and PHP - Overview and references
    Before the introduction of PHP 5, it was hard to call Web services in pure PHP. In PHP 5, the application developer has a number of options for implementing PHP Web services clients: PEAR:SOAP, NuSOAP, and the new SOAP extension. This tutorial focuses on the use of the latter.
    The SOAP extension has improved capabilities over previous PHP solutions, including the SoapVar type and several OO mechanisms that can be used to construct virtually any complex SOAP type.
    According to Rosenberg and Remy's 2005 book (see Resources), "WS-Security is an overarching conceptual model that abstracts different security technologies into "claims" and "tokens"...SOAP headers are used for directive information. This is essentially the place where SOAP security lives. System-level information used to manage and secure the message is placed here as well. SOAP runtimes and intermediaries process SOAP header directives. Headers are intended to add new features and functionality and WS-Security headers will be located here. A sender can require that the receiver understand the header. Headers speak directly to the SOAP processors and can require that a processor reject the entire SOAP message if it does not understand the header. If a header contains critical security information that the SOAP processor does not understand, you may not want it to process this SOAP message at all."
    The developerWorks article Access an enterprise application from PHP script (see Resources) describes the usage of SOAP in PHP 5 for accessing a J2EE application using Web services. It also describes the SOAP PHP installation procedure, and relates to the security issues we are discussing here. The article states: "...there's no first-class support in ext/soap for WS-Security. Therefore, if we're going to send and receive WS-Security headers in PHP, we'll have to drop down into a more detailed interface where we can explicitly create the SOAP headers. ...You build up the message elements using the SoapHeader, SoapParam and SoapVarclasses, and then use SoapClient::__call to send the SOAP request and get the response."

    Creating a WS-Security header
    As explained above, WS-Security works by adding security headers to the SOAP messages. The box below lists an example of the required security header for WS-Security basic authentication (for the user myUserName and the password myPass):

    Listing 1. Security header for WS-Security basic authentication

    The challenge here is to utilize generic SOAP extension object constructions in order to create the required headers and integrate them into the SOAP call. The instrument for this task is the SOAP extension's SoapVar data structure, which is defined in the PHP online manual (see the Resources),:
    "SoapVar, is a special low-level class for encoding parameters and returning values in non-WSDL mode. It is just a data holder and does not have any special methods except the constructor. It's useful when you want to set the type property in SOAP request or response. The constructor takes data to pass or return, encoding ID to encode it (SOAP_VAR_ENC in our case) and, optionally, type name, type namespace, node name and node name namespace."
    The procedure for creating the required nested tag is: wrap the Username and Password simple (i.e., without nesting) tags into SoapVar. The result should then be wrapped into another SoapVar, tagged as UsernameToken, which is placed inside the tag. Finally, this tag is placed inside the SOAP header.
    In this case the required wrapping operation is two levels deep. In general the approach described here may also be applied to creating complex SOAP objects of arbitrary nesting levels.
    In the next section, we describe the actual implementation.

    Coding basic security in PHP
    The Security tag of the SOAP header is assembled using the bottom-up approach. First, the UserName and Password tags are expressed as XSD strings. Listing 2 assumes that the $username and $password variables are properly assigned:

    Listing 2. Creating XSD strings from credentials
    $nameSpace = "";//WS-Security namespace
    $userT = new SoapVar($username, XSD_STRING, NULL, $nameSpace, NULL, $nameSpace);
    $passwT = new SoapVar($password, XSD_STRING, NULL, $nameSpace, NULL, $nameSpace);

    In order to express tag with nested and tags inside, we need to define the intermediate class with private data members: $Username and $Password. Note that while the defined class may have an arbitrary name, the data members must have the same names as the corresponding XML tags. Our implementation creates a class named UsernameT1. The data members are assigned by the constructor.

    Listing 3. The UsernameT1 class definition
    class UsernameT1 {
     private $Username; //Name must be  identical to corresponding XML tag in SOAP header
     private $Password; // Name must be  identical to corresponding XML tag in SOAP header 
     function __construct($username, $password) {

    Now, we can create the content of the complex XML tag as the SoapVar, whose type is not an XSD_STRING, but SOAP_ENC_OBJECT. In this case (unlike when creating an XSD string) the name of the created XML tag is also passed to the SoapVar constructor.

    Listing 4. Creating a UserNameT1 instance and wrapping it into SoapVar
    $tmp = new UsernameT1($userT, $passwT);
    $uuT = new SoapVar($tmp, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $nameSpace, 'UsernameToken', $nameSpace);

    This SoapVar will be wrapped into a UserNameT2 class with the private data member $UsernameToken. Again, the defined class may have an arbitrary name, but the data member must have the same name as the corresponding XML tag.

    Listing 5. The UsernameT2 class definition
    class UserNameT2 {
      private $UsernameToken;  
      //Name must be  identical to corresponding XML tag in SOAP header
      function __construct ($innerVal){
      $this->UsernameToken = $ innerVal;

    A UserNameT2 instance is created and wrapped into a SoapVar:

    Listing 6. Creating a UserNameT2 instance and wrapping it into SoapVar
    $tmp = new UsernameT2($uuT);
    $userToken = new SoapVar($tmp, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $nameSpace, 
     'UsernameToken', $nameSpace);

    The UsernameToken object is attached to the parent XML tag, using the same method again, and the SoapHeader is now constructed:

    Listing 7. Constricting the security header
    $secHeaderValue=new SoapVar($userToken, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $nameSpace, 
                        'Security', $nameSpace);
    $secHeader = new SoapHeader($nameSpace, 'Security', $secHeaderValue);

    This header will be passed to the method __soapCall() of the SoapClient class as an element in the input_headers array. For example, when the security is the only input header:

    Listing 8. Using the security header
    $client->__soapCall($theMethodName, $theMethodSignature, null, $secHeader );
    Creating the method's signature
    Calling __soapCall includes one additional task: the construction of the method's passed arguments, also known as the method's signature. In the case of a simple list of parameters, this is a trivial task which is documented in the PHP Online Manual (see the Resources). This section deals with the more complex case, where the Web service's method includes arrays and object parameters and these parameters may also have members that are themselves arrays or objects.
    As with the security header, we need to create a nested tag by using the SOAP extension's SoapVar data structure. This is needed for each parameter that is an object, and for each object member of any passed array or object.
    The next section introduces a few methods that are capable of packing a complex set of parameters into a valid __soapCall arguments parameter.
    Coding a method signature in PHP
    This section lists code for packing PHP parameters into a SOAP call. In order to do that, a generic definition of input is required. We have defined the input as a PHP array of parameters. The array may include simple types, objects, arrays, nested objects, and nested arrays.
    For example, consider the case of a Web services method storeProblemReport() that gets three parameters: severity (integer), errors (an array of strings), and owner (a record with a member that is also a record). The WSDL part of such a method may contain the following lines:

    Listing 9. Example method and parameters - WSDL definition

    An example of possible values and a value input may be:

    Listing 10. Assigning the example parameters
    $fileInfo->fname = '/usr/src/myDir/getToken.php'
    $fileInfo->line = 7;
    $theOwner->component = 'Parser';
    $theOwner->location = $fileInfo;
    $argumentsList = array ('severity'=> 7,
                            'errors' => array ("empty token","read error", "File open error"),
                            'owner'=> $theOwner));

    Creating the required arguments for soapCall is done by the CreateMethodSignature() function below:

    Listing 11. Creating the required arguments
    function createMethodSignature($theMethod, $paramAr) {
        if (null == $paramAr) 
            return array($theMethod =>null);
        $used = null;
        foreach ($paramAr as $name => $value) {
               if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {
                   $used[$name] = createMixedValueSignature($value);
               } else {
                   $used[$name] =  $value;
       return array($theMethod =>$used);
    // inner routine: packing an inner complex parameter into a  SOAP-valid representation 
    function createMixedValueSignature($MixedVals) {
        $mixedParamsList = null;
        if (is_object($MixedVals)) {
            foreach ($MixedVals as $name => $value) {
                  if (is_object($value) || is_array($value)) {
                   $mixedParamsList->$name = createMixedValueSignature($value);
              } else {
                $mixedParamsList->$name = $value;
            // an object needs to be passed as SoapVar
            return new SoapVar($mixedParamsList, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT , NULL, NULL);
        } else { // an array
            foreach ($MixedVals as $name => $value) {
               if (is_object($value) || is_array($value)) {
                 $mixedParamsList[$name] = createMixedValueSignature($value);
               } else {
                 $mixedParamsList[$name] = $value;
            // an array is passed as is !!
            return $mixedParamsList;

    Note that arrays of simple data types or arrays (arrays that do not include objects) need no special treatment. The only reason for processing arrays with the recursive function createMixedValueSignature() is the possibility of inner PHP objects. CreateMethodSignature(), with the above input, is used for producing a valid SOAP argument:

    Listing 12. Calling the example method
    $theMethodSignature = CreateMethodSignature('storeProblemReport', $argumentsList);
    $client->__soapCall('storeProblemReport', $theMethodSignature, null, $secHeader );

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