Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sending Email usin asp

Sending email in Active
Server Pages isn’t at complex as it seems. All you need is an ASP
Page that contains your code, a host that supports ASP and CDONTS
(Collaborative Data Objects for Windows NT Server), and a basic knowledge of
Active Server Pages.
CDONTS provides you with objects and classes that enable
you to send email from an ASP page. CDONTS only works on Windows NT/2000 Operating Systems, but it has powerful functions, allowing you to:
* attach files while sending email,
* send email in HTML Format,

use the Carbon Copy(CC) and Blind Carbon
Copy(BCC) functions as in any email client,

set email priority

..and that’s just the beginning! Again, the process is
not as complicated as it seems.


First of all, we must create an instance of the CDONTS on
the server using this code:

<%Set Mail=Server.CreateObject(CDONTS.NewMail”)
In the above code, you can replace Mail with any other variable, but you must be sure to use
that variable constantly. Now that we’ve created an instance of CDONTS on the
server, we need to input the required values.
Input Your Values
The first input should be the Recipient to whom we’ll
send the email. To add the Recipient address, use:
%> consists of the same variable that we used to name the
instance of our
CDONTS.NewMail The to after the . tells the object
the address to which the email should be sent. So now our code looks like this:
Set Mail=Server.CreateObject(“CDONTS.NewMail”)””
Now we need to tell the object the email address of the
Sender, using:

The From field after Mail. indicates the email address of
the Sender. The email address should always appear in quotes. With this
addition, our code becomes:
<%Set Mail=Server.CreateObject(CDONTS.NewMail”)
By now you’re clear on the concept of using the main
classes, so let’s look at how to add the Subject line to the email. If you
haven’t already guessed, this is how to do it:
<%Mail.Subject=”Just testing my script”
Now the code is:
<%Set Mail=Server.CreateObject(CDONTS.NewMail”)
Mail.Subject=”Just testing my script”
All that's left now is the content of the email, which we
add like this:
<%Mail.Body=”Hey! I am sending this email through an ASP Page, and
guess what? I haven’t learnt much yet, but
know that ASP is very

The Body class represents the content of the email
we’re sending. It can contain any sort of text, but it doesn’t recognize HTML tags -- it would
simply send these as normal text.

So to sum up, our code looks like this:

Set Mail=Server.CreateObject(CDONTS.NewMail”)
Mail.Subject=”Just testing my script”
Mail.Body=”Hey! I am sending this email through an ASP
Page and

guess what? I haven’t learnt much yet, but
know that ASP is very


OK. Now it’s time to send the email, using:
And that should do it! Our code is neat and should
successfully send the email. Let's take a last look at the complete code:

<%Set Mail=Server.CreateObject(CDONTS.NewMail”)
Mail.Subject=”Just testing my script”
Mail.Body=”Hey! I am sending this email through an ASP Page and
guess what? I haven’t learnt much yet, but
know that ASP is very

Set Mail=nothing
The last line: Set
the instance of the object -- and hence some resources -- from the server. This
will make your Server Administrator happy!

You can now copy and paste the above code into your favorite
editor, save it as SendingEmail.asp (remember the file extension), and upload
it to your Website. Remember to replace the Recipient's as well as the Sender's
email addresses with your own. Now you can visit the page you’ve uploaded, and
read the email you sent through the ASP page.
Obtaining Addresses
You can also use fields that are requested through a form
or querystring to obtain recipients’ email addresses. If you use form or querystring for the Recipient
field, then the code for the
.To would look like
<%‘ In case of requesting recipient’s address
from a form“txteMail”)
txteMail is just
a variable, you can change it as per your form

‘In case of QuerystringMail.To=Request.QueryString(“email”)
eMail is just a
variable, again you can change it as per your page

Extra Help?

Now we’ve explored how to send email
through an ASP page – and found that it’s extremely simple. If you have any
problems or questions, or you find ASP email confusing, try posting your
problems at SitePoint
. Our loyal members will be pleased to help you out!

A Parting Project:

To practice what you've learnt, create a page which asks a user for their email
address, and sends them a test email. It won’t be difficult if you've
understood this tutorial!

Friday, April 17, 2009

SecurityManager Class

NET Framework Class Library
SecurityManager Class

Provides the main access point for classes interacting with the security system. This class cannot be inherited.

Namespace: System.Security
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public NotInheritable Class SecurityManager
Visual Basic (Usage)
You do not need to declare an instance of a static class in order to access its members.
public static class SecurityManager
Visual C++
public ref class SecurityManager abstract sealed
public final class SecurityManager

Security provides methods to access and manipulate the security policy configuration. You cannot create instances of SecurityManager.

The following example demonstrates the use of SecurityManager.

Visual Basic Copy Code
' This sample demonstrates how to set code access permissions programmatically. It creates a
' new parent and child code group pair, and allows the user to optionally delete the child group
' and/or the parent code group. It also shows the result of a ResolvePolicy call, and displays
' the permissions for the three security levels; Enterprise, Machine, and User.
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Security.Policy
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Globalization

Class SecurityManagerSample

Shared Sub Main()
' Gets a value indicating whether code must have execution rights in order to execute.
If Not SecurityManager.CheckExecutionRights Then
Console.WriteLine("Execution rights are not required to run the assemblies.")
End If
' Gets a value indicating whether code access security is enabled.
If Not SecurityManager.SecurityEnabled Then
Console.WriteLine("Security is not enabled.")
End If
' Determines whether the right to control policy has been granted to the caller.
If SecurityManager.IsGranted(New SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)) Then
' Define custom named permission sets for Company and Department.
' These will be used for the new code groups.

' Create a parent and child code group at the Machine policy level using the
' permission sets we created.

' Demonstrate the result of a call to ResolvePolicy().
' This is not required for the main thrust of this sample, custom named permissions
' and code groups, but allows demonstration of the ResolvePolicy method.
Console.WriteLine("Current Security Policy:")

Console.WriteLine("Resolve Policy demonstration.")
' Get the evidence for the Local Intranet zone.
Dim intranetZoneEvidence As New Evidence(New Object() {New Zone(SecurityZone.Intranet)}, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Show the result of ResolvePolicy for LocalIntranet zone evidence.")

' Optionally remove the policy elements that were created.
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to remove the Department code group?")
Console.WriteLine("Please type 'yes' to delete the Department group, else press the Enter key.")
Dim answer As String = Console.ReadLine()
If answer = "yes" Then
End If

Console.WriteLine("Would you like to remove all new code groups and permission sets?")
Console.WriteLine("Please type yes to delete all new groups, else press the Enter key.")
answer = Console.ReadLine()
If answer = "yes" Then
End If
Console.Out.WriteLine("ControlPolicy permission is denied.")
End If

End Sub 'Main

Private Shared Sub DisplaySecurityPolicy()
Dim policyEnumerator As IEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy()
While policyEnumerator.MoveNext()
Dim currentLevel As PolicyLevel = CType(policyEnumerator.Current, PolicyLevel)

' Display the policy at the current level.
Console.WriteLine("Policy Level {0}:", currentLevel.Label)
' To display the policy detail, uncomment the following line:
Dim namedPermissions As IList = currentLevel.NamedPermissionSets
Dim namedPermission As IEnumerator = namedPermissions.GetEnumerator()
While namedPermission.MoveNext()
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Tab + CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).Name))
End While
End While
End Sub 'DisplaySecurityPolicy

Private Shared Sub DeleteCustomCodeGroups()
' Delete the custom code groups that were created.
Dim policyEnumerator As IEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy()
While policyEnumerator.MoveNext()
Dim machineLevel As PolicyLevel = CType(policyEnumerator.Current, PolicyLevel)
Dim childCodeGroups As IList = machineLevel.RootCodeGroup.Children
Dim childGroups As IEnumerator = childCodeGroups.GetEnumerator()
While childGroups.MoveNext()
Dim thisCodeGroup As CodeGroup = CType(childGroups.Current, CodeGroup)
If thisCodeGroup.Name = "MyCompanyCodeGroup" Then
End If
End While
End While
End Sub 'DeleteCustomCodeGroups

Private Shared Sub DeleteCustomChildCodeGroup(ByVal codeGroupName As String)
' Delete the custom child group.
' Delete the child group by creating a copy of the parent code group, deleting its children,
' then adding the copy of the parent code group back to the root code group.
Dim policyEnumerator As IEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy()
While policyEnumerator.MoveNext()
Dim machineLevel As PolicyLevel = CType(policyEnumerator.Current, PolicyLevel)
' IList returns copies of the code groups, not the code groups themselves,
' so operations on the IList objects do not affect the actual code group.
Dim childCodeGroups As IList = machineLevel.RootCodeGroup.Children
Dim childGroups As IEnumerator = childCodeGroups.GetEnumerator()
While childGroups.MoveNext()
Dim thisCodeGroup As CodeGroup = CType(childGroups.Current, CodeGroup)
If thisCodeGroup.Name = codeGroupName Then
' Create a new code group from this one, but without it's children.
' Delete the original code group and add the new one just created.
Dim newCodeGroup As CodeGroup = thisCodeGroup
Dim childCodeGroup As IList = newCodeGroup.Children
Dim childGroup As IEnumerator = childCodeGroup.GetEnumerator()
While childGroup.MoveNext()
' Remove all the children from the copy.
newCodeGroup.RemoveChild(CType(childGroup.Current, CodeGroup))
End While
' Should have a copy of the parent code group with children removed.
' Delete the original parent code group and replace with its childless clone.
End If
End While
End While
End Sub 'DeleteCustomChildCodeGroup

' Create a custom named permission set based on the LocalIntranet permission set.
Private Shared Sub CreateCompanyPermission()
Dim policyEnumerator As IEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy()
' Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
While policyEnumerator.MoveNext()
Dim currentLevel As PolicyLevel = CType(policyEnumerator.Current, PolicyLevel)
If currentLevel.Label = "Machine" Then
' Enumerate the permission sets in the Machine policy level.
Dim namedPermissions As IList = currentLevel.NamedPermissionSets
Dim namedPermission As IEnumerator = namedPermissions.GetEnumerator()
' Locate the LocalIntranet permission set.
While namedPermission.MoveNext()
If CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).Name = "LocalIntranet" Then
' The current permission set is a copy of the LocalIntranet permission set.
' It can be modified to provide the permissions for the new permission set.
' Rename the copy to the name chosen for the new permission set.
CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).Name = "MyCompany"
Dim permissions As IEnumerator = CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).GetEnumerator()
' Remove the current security permission from the permission set and replace it
' with a new security permission that does not have the right to assert permissions.
While permissions.MoveNext()
If permissions.Current.GetType().ToString() = "System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission" Then
' Remove the current security permission.
CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).RemovePermission(permissions.Current.GetType())
' Add a new security permission that only allows execution.
CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).AddPermission(New SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution))
Exit While
End If
End While
' If you run this application twice, the following instruction throws
' an exception because the named permission set is already present.
' You can remove the custom named permission set using Caspole.exe or the
' .NET Framework Configuration tool
currentLevel.AddNamedPermissionSet(CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet))
' Catch the exception for a duplicate permission set.
Catch e As System.ArgumentException
End Try
Console.WriteLine(CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).ToString())
Exit While
End If
End While
End If
End While
End Sub 'CreateCompanyPermission

' Create new code groups using the custom named permission sets previously created.
Private Shared Sub CreateCodeGroups()
' Create instances of the named permission sets created earlier to establish the
' permissions for the new code groups.
Dim companyCodeSet As New NamedPermissionSet("MyCompany", PermissionState.Unrestricted)
Dim departmentCodeSet As New NamedPermissionSet("MyDepartment", PermissionState.Unrestricted)
' Create new code groups using the named permission sets.
Dim policyMyCompany As New PolicyStatement(companyCodeSet, PolicyStatementAttribute.LevelFinal)
Dim policyMyDepartment As New PolicyStatement(departmentCodeSet, PolicyStatementAttribute.Exclusive)
' Create new code groups using UnionCodeGroup.
Dim myCompanyZone = New UnionCodeGroup(New ZoneMembershipCondition(SecurityZone.Intranet), policyMyCompany)
myCompanyZone.Name = "MyCompanyCodeGroup"

Dim b1 As Byte() = {0, 36, 0, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 82, 83, 65, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 237, 146, 145, 51, 34, 97, 123, 196, 90, 174, 41, 170, 173, 221, 41, 193, 175, 39, 7, 151, 178, 0, 230, 152, 218, 8, 206, 206, 170, 84, 111, 145, 26, 208, 158, 240, 246, 219, 228, 34, 31, 163, 11, 130, 16, 199, 111, 224, 4, 112, 46, 84, 0, 104, 229, 38, 39, 63, 53, 189, 0, 157, 32, 38, 34, 109, 0, 171, 114, 244, 34, 59, 9, 232, 150, 192, 247, 175, 104, 143, 171, 42, 219, 66, 66, 194, 191, 218, 121, 59, 92, 42, 37, 158, 13, 108, 210, 189, 9, 203, 204, 32, 48, 91, 212, 101, 193, 19, 227, 107, 25, 133, 70, 2, 220, 83, 206, 71, 102, 245, 104, 252, 87, 109, 190, 56, 34, 180}
Dim blob As New StrongNamePublicKeyBlob(b1)

Dim myDepartmentZone = New UnionCodeGroup(New StrongNameMembershipCondition(blob, Nothing, Nothing), policyMyDepartment)
myDepartmentZone.Name = "MyDepartmentCodeGroup"

' Move through the policy levels looking for the Machine policy level.
' Create two new code groups at that level.
Dim policyEnumerator As IEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy()
While policyEnumerator.MoveNext()
' At the Machine level delete already existing copies of the custom code groups,
' then create the new code groups.
Dim currentLevel As PolicyLevel = CType(policyEnumerator.Current, PolicyLevel)
If currentLevel.Label = "Machine" Then

' Remove old instances of the custom groups.
' Add the new code groups.
' To add a child code group, add the child to the parent prior to adding
' the parent to the root.
' Add the parent to the root code group.
End If
End While
' Save the security policy.
Console.WriteLine("Security policy modified.")
Console.WriteLine("New code groups added at the Machine policy level.")
End Sub 'CreateCodeGroups

Private Shared Sub CreateDepartmentPermission()
Dim policyEnumerator As IEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy()
' Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
While policyEnumerator.MoveNext()
Dim currentLevel As PolicyLevel = CType(policyEnumerator.Current, PolicyLevel)
If currentLevel.Label = "Machine" Then
' Enumerate the permission sets in the Machine level.
Dim namedPermissions As IList = currentLevel.NamedPermissionSets
Dim namedPermission As IEnumerator = namedPermissions.GetEnumerator()
' Locate the Everything permission set.
While namedPermission.MoveNext()
If CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).Name = "Everything" Then
' The current permission set is a copy of the Everything permission set.
' It can be modified to provide the permissions for the new permission set.
' Rename the copy to the name chosen for the new permission set.
CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).Name = "MyDepartment"
Dim permissions As IEnumerator = CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).GetEnumerator()
' Modify security permission by removing and replacing with a new permission.
While permissions.MoveNext()
If permissions.Current.GetType().ToString() = "System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission" Then
CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).RemovePermission(permissions.Current.GetType())
' Add a new security permission with limited permissions.
Dim limitedPermission As New SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution Or SecurityPermissionFlag.RemotingConfiguration Or SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlThread)
CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).AddPermission(limitedPermission)

Exit While
End If
End While

' If you run this application twice, the following instruction throws
' an exception because the named permission set is already present.
' You can remove the custom named permission set using Caspole.exe or the
' .NET Framework Configuration tool
currentLevel.AddNamedPermissionSet(CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet))
Catch e As System.ArgumentException
End Try
Console.WriteLine(CType(namedPermission.Current, NamedPermissionSet).ToString())
Exit While
End If
End While
End If
End While
End Sub 'CreateDepartmentPermission

Private Shared Sub DeleteCustomPermissions()
Dim policyEnumerator As IEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy()
' Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
While policyEnumerator.MoveNext()
Dim currentLevel As PolicyLevel = CType(policyEnumerator.Current, PolicyLevel)
If currentLevel.Label = "Machine" Then
Catch e As System.ArgumentException
' An exception is thrown if the named permission set cannot be found.
End Try
End If
End While
End Sub 'DeleteCustomPermissions

' Demonstrate the use of ResolvePolicy.
Private Shared Sub CheckEvidence(ByVal evidence As Evidence)
' Display the code groups to which the evidence belongs.
Console.WriteLine("ResolvePolicy for the given evidence.")
Console.WriteLine("Current evidence belongs to the following code groups:")
Dim policyEnumerator As IEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy()
While policyEnumerator.MoveNext()

Dim currentLevel As PolicyLevel = CType(policyEnumerator.Current, PolicyLevel)
Dim cg1 As CodeGroup = currentLevel.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence)
Console.WriteLine((currentLevel.Label + " Level"))
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Tab + "CodeGroup = " + cg1.Name))
Console.WriteLine(("StoreLocation = " + currentLevel.StoreLocation))
Dim cgE1 As IEnumerator = cg1.Children.GetEnumerator()
While cgE1.MoveNext()
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Tab + ControlChars.Tab + "Group = " + CType(cgE1.Current, CodeGroup).Name))
End While
End While

' Show how ResolvePolicy is used to determine the set of permissions that would be granted
' by the security system to code, based on the evidence and the permission sets requested.
' The permission sets require Execute permission; allow optional Read access permission
' to C:\temp; and deny the code permission to control security policy.
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Lf + "Create permission sets requiring Execute permission, requesting optional " + ControlChars.Lf + "Read permission for 'C:\temp', and dening permission to control policy."))
Dim requiredSet As New PermissionSet(PermissionState.None)
requiredSet.AddPermission(New SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution))

Dim optionalSet As New PermissionSet(PermissionState.None)
optionalSet.AddPermission(New FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, New String() {"c:\temp"}))

Dim deniedSet As New PermissionSet(PermissionState.None)
deniedSet.AddPermission(New SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy))

' Show the granted permissions.
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Current permissions granted:")

Dim permsDenied As PermissionSet = Nothing
Dim perm As IPermission
For Each perm In SecurityManager.ResolvePolicy(evidence, requiredSet, optionalSet, deniedSet, permsDenied)
Next perm
' Show the denied permissions.
Console.WriteLine("Current permissions denied:")
'Dim perm As IPermission
For Each perm In permsDenied
Next perm
End Sub 'CheckEvidence
End Class 'SecurityManagerSample

C# Copy Code
// This sample demonstrates how to set code access permissions programmatically. It creates a
// new parent and child code group pair, and allows the user to optionally delete the child group
// and/or the parent code group. It also shows the result of a ResolvePolicy call, and displays
// the permissions for the three security levels; Enterprise, Machine, and User.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Globalization;

class SecurityManagerSample
static void Main()
// Gets a value indicating whether code must have execution rights in order to execute.
Console.WriteLine("Execution rights are not required to run the assemblies.");
// Gets a value indicating whether code access security is enabled.
Console.WriteLine("Security is not enabled.");
// Determines whether the right to control policy has been granted to the caller.
if(SecurityManager.IsGranted(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)))
// Define custom named permission sets for Company and Department.
// These will be used for the new code groups.

// Create a parent and child code group at the Machine policy level using the
// permission sets we created.

// Demonstrate the result of a call to ResolvePolicy().
// This is not required for the main thrust of this sample, custom named permissions
// and code groups, but allows demonstration of the ResolvePolicy method.
Console.WriteLine("Current Security Policy:");

Console.WriteLine("Resolve Policy demonstration.");
// Get the evidence for the Local Intranet zone.
Evidence intranetZoneEvidence = new Evidence(new object[] { new Zone(SecurityZone.Intranet) }, null);
Console.WriteLine("Show the result of ResolvePolicy for LocalIntranet zone evidence.");

// Optionally remove the policy elements that were created.
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to remove the Department code group?");
Console.WriteLine("Please type 'yes' to delete the Department group, else press the Enter key.");
string answer = Console.ReadLine();
if(answer == "yes")

Console.WriteLine("Would you like to remove all new code groups and permission sets?");
Console.WriteLine("Please type yes to delete all new groups, else press the Enter key.");
answer = Console.ReadLine();
if(answer == "yes")
Console.Out.WriteLine("ControlPolicy permission is denied.");

private static void DisplaySecurityPolicy()
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
PolicyLevel currentLevel = (PolicyLevel)policyEnumerator.Current;

// Display the policy at the current level.
Console.WriteLine("Policy Level {0}:", currentLevel.Label);
// To display the policy detail, uncomment the following line:
IList namedPermissions = currentLevel.NamedPermissionSets;
IEnumerator namedPermission = namedPermissions.GetEnumerator();
Console.WriteLine("\t" + ((NamedPermissionSet)namedPermission.Current).Name);

private static void DeleteCustomCodeGroups()
// Delete the custom code groups that were created.
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
PolicyLevel machineLevel = (PolicyLevel)policyEnumerator.Current;
IList childCodeGroups = machineLevel.RootCodeGroup.Children;
IEnumerator childGroups = childCodeGroups.GetEnumerator();
CodeGroup thisCodeGroup = (CodeGroup)childGroups.Current;
if( thisCodeGroup.Name == "MyCompanyCodeGroup")

private static void DeleteCustomChildCodeGroup(string codeGroupName)
// Delete the custom child group.
// Delete the child group by creating a copy of the parent code group, deleting its children,
// then adding the copy of the parent code group back to the root code group.
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
PolicyLevel machineLevel = (PolicyLevel)policyEnumerator.Current;
// IList returns copies of the code groups, not the code groups themselves,
// so operations on the IList objects do not affect the actual code group.
IList childCodeGroups = machineLevel.RootCodeGroup.Children;
IEnumerator childGroups = childCodeGroups.GetEnumerator();
CodeGroup thisCodeGroup = (CodeGroup)childGroups.Current;
if(thisCodeGroup.Name == codeGroupName)
// Create a new code group from this one, but without it's children.
// Delete the original code group and add the new one just created.
CodeGroup newCodeGroup = thisCodeGroup;
IList childCodeGroup = newCodeGroup.Children;
IEnumerator childGroup = childCodeGroup.GetEnumerator();
// Remove all the children from the copy.
// Should have a copy of the parent code group with children removed.
// Delete the original parent code group and replace with its childless clone.

// Create a custom named permission set based on the LocalIntranet permission set.
private static void CreateCompanyPermission()
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
// Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
PolicyLevel currentLevel = (PolicyLevel)policyEnumerator.Current;
if(currentLevel.Label == "Machine")
// Enumerate the permission sets in the Machine policy level.
IList namedPermissions = currentLevel.NamedPermissionSets;
IEnumerator namedPermission = namedPermissions.GetEnumerator();
// Locate the LocalIntranet permission set.
if(((NamedPermissionSet)namedPermission.Current).Name == "LocalIntranet")
// The current permission set is a copy of the LocalIntranet permission set.
// It can be modified to provide the permissions for the new permission set.
// Rename the copy to the name chosen for the new permission set.
((NamedPermissionSet)namedPermission.Current).Name = "MyCompany";
IEnumerator permissions = ((NamedPermissionSet)namedPermission.Current).GetEnumerator();
// Remove the current security permission from the permission set and replace it
// with a new security permission that does not have the right to assert permissions.
if(permissions.Current.GetType().ToString() == "System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission")
// Remove the current security permission.
// Add a new security permission that only allows execution.
((NamedPermissionSet)namedPermission.Current).AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution));
// If you run this application twice, the following instruction throws
// an exception because the named permission set is already present.
// You can remove the custom named permission set using Caspole.exe or the
// .NET Framework Configuration tool
// Catch the exception for a duplicate permission set.
catch ( System.ArgumentException e)
// Create new code groups using the custom named permission sets previously created.
private static void CreateCodeGroups()
// Create instances of the named permission sets created earlier to establish the
// permissions for the new code groups.
NamedPermissionSet companyCodeSet = new NamedPermissionSet("MyCompany",PermissionState.Unrestricted);
NamedPermissionSet departmentCodeSet = new NamedPermissionSet("MyDepartment",PermissionState.Unrestricted);
// Create new code groups using the named permission sets.
PolicyStatement policyMyCompany = new PolicyStatement(companyCodeSet,PolicyStatementAttribute.LevelFinal);
PolicyStatement policyMyDepartment = new PolicyStatement(departmentCodeSet,PolicyStatementAttribute.Exclusive);
// Create new code groups using UnionCodeGroup.
CodeGroup myCompanyZone = new UnionCodeGroup(new ZoneMembershipCondition(SecurityZone.Intranet), policyMyCompany);
myCompanyZone.Name = "MyCompanyCodeGroup";

byte[] b1 = { 0, 36, 0, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 82, 83, 65, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 237, 146, 145, 51, 34, 97, 123, 196, 90, 174, 41, 170, 173, 221, 41, 193, 175, 39, 7, 151, 178, 0, 230, 152, 218, 8, 206, 206, 170,84, 111, 145, 26, 208, 158, 240, 246, 219, 228, 34, 31, 163, 11, 130, 16, 199, 111, 224, 4, 112, 46, 84, 0, 104, 229, 38, 39, 63, 53, 189, 0, 157, 32, 38, 34, 109, 0, 171, 114, 244, 34, 59, 9, 232, 150, 192, 247, 175, 104, 143, 171, 42, 219, 66, 66, 194, 191, 218, 121, 59, 92, 42, 37, 158, 13, 108, 210, 189, 9, 203, 204, 32, 48, 91, 212, 101, 193, 19, 227, 107, 25, 133, 70, 2, 220, 83, 206, 71, 102, 245, 104, 252, 87, 109, 190, 56, 34, 180};
StrongNamePublicKeyBlob blob = new StrongNamePublicKeyBlob(b1);

CodeGroup myDepartmentZone = new UnionCodeGroup(new StrongNameMembershipCondition(blob,null , null ), policyMyDepartment);
myDepartmentZone.Name = "MyDepartmentCodeGroup";

// Move through the policy levels looking for the Machine policy level.
// Create two new code groups at that level.
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
// At the Machine level delete already existing copies of the custom code groups,
// then create the new code groups.
PolicyLevel currentLevel = (PolicyLevel)policyEnumerator.Current;
if (currentLevel.Label == "Machine")

// Remove old instances of the custom groups.
// Add the new code groups.
// To add a child code group, add the child to the parent prior to adding
// the parent to the root.
// Add the parent to the root code group.
// Save the security policy.
Console.WriteLine("Security policy modified.");
Console.WriteLine("New code groups added at the Machine policy level.");
private static void CreateDepartmentPermission()
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
// Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
PolicyLevel currentLevel = (PolicyLevel)policyEnumerator.Current;
if(currentLevel.Label == "Machine")
// Enumerate the permission sets in the Machine level.
IList namedPermissions = currentLevel.NamedPermissionSets;
IEnumerator namedPermission = namedPermissions.GetEnumerator();
// Locate the Everything permission set.
if(((NamedPermissionSet)namedPermission.Current).Name == "Everything")
// The current permission set is a copy of the Everything permission set.
// It can be modified to provide the permissions for the new permission set.
// Rename the copy to the name chosen for the new permission set.
((NamedPermissionSet)namedPermission.Current).Name = "MyDepartment";
IEnumerator permissions = ((NamedPermissionSet)namedPermission.Current).GetEnumerator();
// Modify security permission by removing and replacing with a new permission.
if(permissions.Current.GetType().ToString() == "System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission")
// Add a new security permission with limited permissions.
SecurityPermission limitedPermission = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution |
SecurityPermissionFlag.RemotingConfiguration |


// If you run this application twice, the following instruction throws
// an exception because the named permission set is already present.
// You can remove the custom named permission set using Caspole.exe or the
// .NET Framework Configuration tool
catch (System.ArgumentException e)
private static void DeleteCustomPermissions()
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
// Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
PolicyLevel currentLevel = (PolicyLevel)policyEnumerator.Current;
if(currentLevel.Label == "Machine")
catch(System.ArgumentException e)
// An exception is thrown if the named permission set cannot be found.


// Demonstrate the use of ResolvePolicy.
private static void CheckEvidence(Evidence evidence)
// Display the code groups to which the evidence belongs.
Console.WriteLine("ResolvePolicy for the given evidence.");
Console.WriteLine("Current evidence belongs to the following code groups:");
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();

PolicyLevel currentLevel = (PolicyLevel)policyEnumerator.Current;
CodeGroup cg1 = currentLevel.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence);
Console.WriteLine(currentLevel.Label + " Level" );
Console.WriteLine("\tCodeGroup = " + cg1.Name);
Console.WriteLine("StoreLocation = " + currentLevel.StoreLocation);
IEnumerator cgE1 = cg1.Children.GetEnumerator();
Console.WriteLine("\t\tGroup = " + ((CodeGroup)cgE1.Current).Name);

// Show how ResolvePolicy is used to determine the set of permissions that would be granted
// by the security system to code, based on the evidence and the permission sets requested.
// The permission sets require Execute permission; allow optional Read access permission
// to C:\temp; and deny the code permission to control security policy.
Console.WriteLine("\nCreate permission sets requiring Execute permission, requesting optional " +
"\nRead permission for 'C:\\temp', and dening permission to control policy.");
PermissionSet requiredSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
requiredSet.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution));

PermissionSet optionalSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
optionalSet.AddPermission(new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, new string[] { @"c:\temp" }));

PermissionSet deniedSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
deniedSet.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy));

// Show the granted permissions.
Console.WriteLine("\nCurrent permissions granted:");

PermissionSet permsDenied = null;
foreach(IPermission perm in SecurityManager.ResolvePolicy(evidence, requiredSet, optionalSet, deniedSet, out permsDenied))

// Show the denied permissions.
Console.WriteLine("Current permissions denied:");
foreach(IPermission perm in permsDenied)


Visual C++ Copy Code
// This sample demonstrates how to set code access permissions programmatically. It creates a
// new parent and child code group pair, and allows the user to optionally delete the child group
// and/or the parent code group. It also shows the result of a ResolvePolicy call, and displays
// the permissions for the three security levels; Enterprise, Machine, and User.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Security::Policy;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void DisplaySecurityPolicy();
void DeleteCustomCodeGroups();
void DeleteCustomChildCodeGroup( String^ codeGroupName );
void CreateCompanyPermission();
void CreateCodeGroups();
void CreateDepartmentPermission();
void DeleteCustomPermissions();
void CheckEvidence( Evidence^ evidence );

int main()
// Gets a value indicating whether code must have execution rights in order to execute.
if ( !SecurityManager::CheckExecutionRights )
Console::WriteLine( "Execution rights are not required to run the assemblies." );

// Gets a value indicating whether code access security is enabled.
if ( !SecurityManager::SecurityEnabled )
Console::WriteLine( "Security is not enabled." );

// Determines whether the right to control policy has been granted to the caller.
if ( SecurityManager::IsGranted( gcnew SecurityPermission( SecurityPermissionFlag::ControlPolicy ) ) )
// Define custom named permission sets for Company and Department.
// These will be used for the new code groups.

// Create a parent and child code group at the Machine policy level using the
// permission sets we created.

// Demonstrate the result of a call to ResolvePolicy().
// This is not required for the main thrust of this sample, custom named permissions
// and code groups, but allows demonstration of the ResolvePolicy method.
Console::WriteLine( "Current Security Policy:" );
Console::WriteLine( "------------------------" );
Console::WriteLine( "Resolve Policy demonstration." );

// Get the evidence for the Local Intranet zone.
array^temp0 = {gcnew Zone( SecurityZone::Intranet )};
Evidence^ intranetZoneEvidence = gcnew Evidence( temp0,nullptr );
Console::WriteLine( "Show the result of ResolvePolicy for LocalIntranet zone evidence." );
CheckEvidence( intranetZoneEvidence );

// Optionally remove the policy elements that were created.
Console::WriteLine( "Would you like to remove the Department code group?" );
Console::WriteLine( "Please type 'yes' to delete the Department group, else press the Enter key." );
String^ answer = Console::ReadLine();
if ( answer->Equals( "yes" ) )
DeleteCustomChildCodeGroup( "MyDepartment" );
Console::WriteLine( "Would you like to remove all new code groups and permission sets?" );
Console::WriteLine( "Please type yes to delete all new groups, else press the Enter key." );
answer = Console::ReadLine();
if ( answer->Equals( "yes" ) )
Console::Out->WriteLine( "ControlPolicy permission is denied." );

void DisplaySecurityPolicy()
IEnumerator^ policyEnumerator = SecurityManager::PolicyHierarchy();
while ( policyEnumerator->MoveNext() )
PolicyLevel^ currentLevel = dynamic_cast(policyEnumerator->Current);

// Display the policy at the current level.
Console::WriteLine( "Policy Level {0}:", currentLevel->Label );

// To display the policy detail, uncomment the following line:
IList^ namedPermissions = currentLevel->NamedPermissionSets;
IEnumerator^ namedPermission = namedPermissions->GetEnumerator();
while ( namedPermission->MoveNext() )
Console::WriteLine( "\t{0}", (dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->Name );

void DeleteCustomCodeGroups()
// Delete the custom code groups that were created.
IEnumerator^ policyEnumerator = SecurityManager::PolicyHierarchy();
while ( policyEnumerator->MoveNext() )
PolicyLevel^ machineLevel = dynamic_cast(policyEnumerator->Current);
IList^ childCodeGroups = machineLevel->RootCodeGroup->Children;
IEnumerator^ childGroups = childCodeGroups->GetEnumerator();
while ( childGroups->MoveNext() )
CodeGroup^ thisCodeGroup = dynamic_cast(childGroups->Current);
if ( thisCodeGroup->Name->Equals( "MyCompanyCodeGroup" ) )
machineLevel->RootCodeGroup->RemoveChild( thisCodeGroup );

void DeleteCustomChildCodeGroup( String^ codeGroupName )
// Delete the custom child group.
// Delete the child group by creating a copy of the parent code group, deleting its children,
// then adding the copy of the parent code group back to the root code group.
IEnumerator^ policyEnumerator = SecurityManager::PolicyHierarchy();
while ( policyEnumerator->MoveNext() )
PolicyLevel^ machineLevel = dynamic_cast(policyEnumerator->Current);

// IList returns copies of the code groups, not the code groups themselves,
// so operations on the IList objects do not affect the actual code group.
IList^ childCodeGroups = machineLevel->RootCodeGroup->Children;
IEnumerator^ childGroups = childCodeGroups->GetEnumerator();
while ( childGroups->MoveNext() )
CodeGroup^ thisCodeGroup = dynamic_cast(childGroups->Current);
if ( thisCodeGroup->Name == codeGroupName )
// Create a new code group from this one, but without it's children.
// Delete the original code group and add the new one just created.
CodeGroup^ newCodeGroup = thisCodeGroup;
IList^ childCodeGroup = newCodeGroup->Children;
IEnumerator^ childGroup = childCodeGroup->GetEnumerator();
while ( childGroup->MoveNext() )
// Remove all the children from the copy.
newCodeGroup->RemoveChild( dynamic_cast(childGroup->Current) );

// Delete the original parent code group and replace with its childless clone.
machineLevel->RootCodeGroup->RemoveChild( thisCodeGroup );
machineLevel->RootCodeGroup->AddChild( newCodeGroup );

// Create a custom named permission set based on the LocalIntranet permission set.
void CreateCompanyPermission()
IEnumerator^ policyEnumerator = SecurityManager::PolicyHierarchy();

// Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
while ( policyEnumerator->MoveNext() )
PolicyLevel^ currentLevel = dynamic_cast(policyEnumerator->Current);
if ( currentLevel->Label->Equals( "Machine" ) )
// Enumerate the permission sets in the Machine policy level.
IList^ namedPermissions = currentLevel->NamedPermissionSets;
IEnumerator^ namedPermission = namedPermissions->GetEnumerator();

// Locate the LocalIntranet permission set.
while ( namedPermission->MoveNext() )
if ( (dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->Name->Equals( "LocalIntranet" ) )
// The current permission set is a copy of the LocalIntranet permission set.
// It can be modified to provide the permissions for the new permission set.
// Rename the copy to the name chosen for the new permission set.
(dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->Name = "MyCompany";
IEnumerator^ permissions = (dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->GetEnumerator();

// Remove the current security permission from the permission set and replace it
// with a new security permission that does not have the right to assert permissions.
while ( permissions->MoveNext() )
if ( permissions->Current->GetType()->ToString()->Equals( "System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission" ) )
// Remove the current security permission.
(dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->RemovePermission( permissions->Current->GetType() );

// Add a new security permission that only allows execution.
(dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->AddPermission( gcnew SecurityPermission( SecurityPermissionFlag::Execution ) );
// If you run this application twice, the following instruction throws
// an exception because the named permission set is already present.
// You can remove the custom named permission set using Caspole.exe or the
// .NET Framework Configuration tool
currentLevel->AddNamedPermissionSet( safe_cast(namedPermission->Current) );
// Catch the exception for a duplicate permission set.
catch ( System::ArgumentException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

Console::WriteLine( );

// Create new code groups using the custom named permission sets previously created.
void CreateCodeGroups()
// Create instances of the named permission sets created earlier to establish the
// permissions for the new code groups.
NamedPermissionSet^ companyCodeSet = gcnew NamedPermissionSet( "MyCompany",PermissionState::Unrestricted );
NamedPermissionSet^ departmentCodeSet = gcnew NamedPermissionSet( "MyDepartment",PermissionState::Unrestricted );

// Create new code groups using the named permission sets.
PolicyStatement^ policyMyCompany = gcnew PolicyStatement( companyCodeSet,PolicyStatementAttribute::LevelFinal );
PolicyStatement^ policyMyDepartment = gcnew PolicyStatement( departmentCodeSet,PolicyStatementAttribute::Exclusive );

// Create new code groups using UnionCodeGroup.
CodeGroup^ myCompanyZone = gcnew UnionCodeGroup( gcnew ZoneMembershipCondition( SecurityZone::Intranet ),policyMyCompany );
myCompanyZone->Name = "MyCompanyCodeGroup";
array^b1 = {0,36,0,0,4,128,0,0,148,0,0,0,6,2,0,0,0,36,0,0,82,83,65,49,0,4,0,0,1,0,1,0,237,146,145,51,34,97,123,196,90,174,41,170,173,221,41,193,175,39,7,151,178,0,230,152,218,8,206,206,170,84,111,145,26,208,158,240,246,219,228,34,31,163,11,130,16,199,111,224,4,112,46,84,0,104,229,38,39,63,53,189,0,157,32,38,34,109,0,171,114,244,34,59,9,232,150,192,247,175,104,143,171,42,219,66,66,194,191,218,121,59,92,42,37,158,13,108,210,189,9,203,204,32,48,91,212,101,193,19,227,107,25,133,70,2,220,83,206,71,102,245,104,252,87,109,190,56,34,180};
StrongNamePublicKeyBlob^ blob = gcnew StrongNamePublicKeyBlob( b1 );
CodeGroup^ myDepartmentZone = gcnew UnionCodeGroup( gcnew StrongNameMembershipCondition( blob,nullptr,nullptr ),policyMyDepartment );
myDepartmentZone->Name = "MyDepartmentCodeGroup";

// Move through the policy levels looking for the Machine policy level.
// Create two new code groups at that level.
IEnumerator^ policyEnumerator = SecurityManager::PolicyHierarchy();
while ( policyEnumerator->MoveNext() )
// At the Machine level delete already existing copies of the custom code groups,
// then create the new code groups.
PolicyLevel^ currentLevel = dynamic_cast(policyEnumerator->Current);
if ( currentLevel->Label->Equals( "Machine" ) )
// Remove old instances of the custom groups.

// Add the new code groups.
// To add a child code group, add the child to the parent prior to adding
// the parent to the root.
myCompanyZone->AddChild( myDepartmentZone );

// Add the parent to the root code group.
currentLevel->RootCodeGroup->AddChild( myCompanyZone );

Console::WriteLine( "Security policy modified." );
Console::WriteLine( "New code groups added at the Machine policy level." );

void CreateDepartmentPermission()
IEnumerator^ policyEnumerator = SecurityManager::PolicyHierarchy();

// Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
while ( policyEnumerator->MoveNext() )
PolicyLevel^ currentLevel = dynamic_cast(policyEnumerator->Current);
if ( currentLevel->Label->Equals( "Machine" ) )
// Enumerate the permission sets in the Machine level.
IList^ namedPermissions = currentLevel->NamedPermissionSets;
IEnumerator^ namedPermission = namedPermissions->GetEnumerator();

// Locate the Everything permission set.
while ( namedPermission->MoveNext() )
if ( (dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->Name->Equals( "Everything" ) )
// The current permission set is a copy of the Everything permission set.
// It can be modified to provide the permissions for the new permission set.
// Rename the copy to the name chosen for the new permission set.
(dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->Name = "MyDepartment";
IEnumerator^ permissions = (dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->GetEnumerator();

// Modify security permission by removing and replacing with a new permission.
while ( permissions->MoveNext() )
if ( permissions->Current->GetType()->ToString()->Equals( "System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission" ) )
(dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->RemovePermission( permissions->Current->GetType() );

// Add a new security permission with limited permissions.
SecurityPermission^ limitedPermission = gcnew SecurityPermission( static_cast(SecurityPermissionFlag::Execution | SecurityPermissionFlag::RemotingConfiguration | SecurityPermissionFlag::ControlThread) );
(dynamic_cast(namedPermission->Current))->AddPermission( limitedPermission );
// If you run this application twice, the following instruction throws
// an exception because the named permission set is already present.
// You can remove the custom named permission set using Caspole.exe or the
// .NET Framework Configuration tool
currentLevel->AddNamedPermissionSet( safe_cast(namedPermission->Current) );
catch ( System::ArgumentException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

Console::WriteLine( );

void DeleteCustomPermissions()
IEnumerator^ policyEnumerator = SecurityManager::PolicyHierarchy();

// Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
while ( policyEnumerator->MoveNext() )
PolicyLevel^ currentLevel = dynamic_cast(policyEnumerator->Current);
if ( currentLevel->Label->Equals( "Machine" ) )
currentLevel->RemoveNamedPermissionSet( "MyCompany" );
currentLevel->RemoveNamedPermissionSet( "MyDepartment" );
catch ( System::ArgumentException^ e )
// An exception is thrown if the named permission set cannot be found.
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );


// Demonstrate the use of ResolvePolicy.
void CheckEvidence( Evidence^ evidence )
// Display the code groups to which the evidence belongs.
Console::WriteLine( "ResolvePolicy for the given evidence." );
Console::WriteLine( "Current evidence belongs to the following code groups:" );
IEnumerator^ policyEnumerator = SecurityManager::PolicyHierarchy();
while ( policyEnumerator->MoveNext() )
PolicyLevel^ currentLevel = dynamic_cast(policyEnumerator->Current);
CodeGroup^ cg1 = currentLevel->ResolveMatchingCodeGroups( evidence );
Console::WriteLine( "{0} Level", currentLevel->Label );
Console::WriteLine( "\tCodeGroup = {0}", cg1->Name );
Console::WriteLine( "StoreLocation = {0}", currentLevel->StoreLocation );
IEnumerator^ cgE1 = cg1->Children->GetEnumerator();
while ( cgE1->MoveNext() )
Console::WriteLine( "\t\tGroup = {0}", (dynamic_cast(cgE1->Current))->Name );

// Show how ResolvePolicy is used to determine the set of permissions that would be granted
// by the security system to code, based on the evidence and the permission sets requested.
// The permission sets require Execute permission; allow optional Read access permission
// to C:\temp; and deny the code permission to control security policy.
Console::WriteLine( "\nCreate permission sets requiring Execute permission, requesting optional "
"\nRead permission for 'C:\\temp', and dening permission to control policy." );
PermissionSet^ requiredSet = gcnew PermissionSet( PermissionState::None );
requiredSet->AddPermission( gcnew SecurityPermission( SecurityPermissionFlag::Execution ) );
PermissionSet^ optionalSet = gcnew PermissionSet( PermissionState::None );
array^temp1 = {"c:\\temp"};
optionalSet->AddPermission( gcnew FileIOPermission( FileIOPermissionAccess::Read,temp1 ) );
PermissionSet^ deniedSet = gcnew PermissionSet( PermissionState::None );
deniedSet->AddPermission( gcnew SecurityPermission( SecurityPermissionFlag::ControlPolicy ) );

// Show the granted permissions.
Console::WriteLine( "\nCurrent permissions granted:" );
PermissionSet^ permsDenied = nullptr;
for each(IPermission^ perm in SecurityManager::ResolvePolicy(evidence, requiredSet, optionalSet, deniedSet, permsDenied))

// Show the denied permissions.
Console::WriteLine( "Current permissions denied:" );
IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = permsDenied->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() )
IPermission^ perm = safe_cast(myEnum1->Current);
Console::WriteLine( perm->ToXml() );


J# Copy Code
// This sample demonstrates how to set code access permissions
// programmatically. It creates a new parent and child code group pair, and
// allows the user to optionally delete the child group and/or the parent
// code group. It also shows the result of a ResolvePolicy call, and displays
// the permissions for the three security levels; Enterprise, Machine, and User.

import System.*;
import System.Collections.*;
import System.Security.*;
import System.Security.Policy.*;
import System.Security.Permissions.*;
import System.Reflection.*;
import System.Globalization .* ;
import System.Security.SecurityManager;

class SecurityManagerSample
public static void main(String[] args)
// Gets a value indicating whether code must have execution rights
// in order to execute.
if (!(SecurityManager.get_CheckExecutionRights())) {
"Execution rights are not required to run the assemblies.");

// Gets a value indicating whether code access security is enabled.
if (!(SecurityManager.get_SecurityEnabled())) {
Console.WriteLine("Security is not enabled.");

// Determines whether the right to control policy has been granted
// to the caller.
if (SecurityManager.IsGranted(new SecurityPermission
(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy))) {

// Define custom named permission sets for Company and Department.
// These will be used for the new code groups.

// Create a parent and child code group at the Machine policy
// level using the permission sets we created.

// Demonstrate the result of a call to ResolvePolicy().
// This is not required for the main thrust of this sample, custom
// named permissions and code groups, but allows demonstration of
// the ResolvePolicy method.
Console.WriteLine("Current Security Policy:");
Console.WriteLine("Resolve Policy demonstration.");

// Get the evidence for the Local Intranet zone.
Evidence intranetZoneEvidence = new Evidence(new Object[] {
new Zone(SecurityZone.Intranet) }, null);

Console.WriteLine("Show the result of ResolvePolicy for"
+ " LocalIntranet zone evidence.");

// Optionally remove the policy elements that were created.
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to remove the Department "
+ "code group?");
Console.WriteLine("Please type 'yes' to delete the Department"
+ " group, else press the Enter key.");

String answer = Console.ReadLine();

if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to remove all new code groups "
+ "and permission sets?");
Console.WriteLine("Please type yes to delete all new groups, else"
+ " press the Enter key.");
answer = Console.ReadLine();
if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
else {
Console.get_Out().WriteLine("ControlPolicy permission is denied.");
} //main

private static void DisplaySecurityPolicy()
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
while (policyEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
PolicyLevel currentLevel = ((PolicyLevel)

// Display the policy at the current level.
Console.WriteLine("Policy Level {0}:", currentLevel.get_Label());

// To display the policy detail, uncomment the following line:
IList namedPermissions = currentLevel.get_NamedPermissionSets();
IEnumerator namedPermission = namedPermissions.GetEnumerator();
while (namedPermission.MoveNext()) {
Console.WriteLine(("\t" + ((NamedPermissionSet)
} //DisplaySecurityPolicy

private static void DeleteCustomCodeGroups()
// Delete the custom code groups that were created.
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
while (policyEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
PolicyLevel machineLevel =
IList childCodeGroups =
IEnumerator childGroups = childCodeGroups.GetEnumerator();
while (childGroups.MoveNext()) {
CodeGroup thisCodeGroup =
if (thisCodeGroup.get_Name().equalsIgnoreCase
("MyCompanyCodeGroup")) {
} //DeleteCustomCodeGroups

private static void DeleteCustomChildCodeGroup(System.String codeGroupName)
// Delete the custom child group.
// Delete the child group by creating a copy of the parent code group,
// deleting its children,then adding the copy of the parent code group
// back to the root code group.
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();

while (policyEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
PolicyLevel machineLevel =

// IList returns copies of the code groups, not the code groups
// themselves,so operations on the IList objects do not affect
// the actual code group.
IList childCodeGroups =
IEnumerator childGroups = childCodeGroups.GetEnumerator();

while (childGroups.MoveNext()) {
CodeGroup thisCodeGroup =
if (thisCodeGroup.get_Name().equalsIgnoreCase(codeGroupName)) {
// Create a new code group from this one, but without
// it's children.Delete the original code group and
// add the new one just created.
CodeGroup newCodeGroup = thisCodeGroup;
IList childCodeGroup = newCodeGroup.get_Children();
IEnumerator childGroup = childCodeGroup.GetEnumerator();
while (childGroup.MoveNext()) {
// Remove all the children from the copy.

// Should have a copy of the parent code group with
// children removed.Delete the original parent code
// group and replace with its childless clone.
} //DeleteCustomChildCodeGroup

// Create a custom named permission set based on the LocalIntranet
// permission set.
private static void CreateCompanyPermission()
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();

// Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
while (policyEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
PolicyLevel currentLevel =
if (currentLevel.get_Label().equalsIgnoreCase("Machine")) {
// Enumerate the permission sets in the Machine policy level.
IList namedPermissions =
IEnumerator namedPermission =

// Locate the LocalIntranet permission set.
while (namedPermission.MoveNext()) {
if (((NamedPermissionSet)(namedPermission.get_Current()))
.get_Name().equalsIgnoreCase("LocalIntranet")) {
// The current permission set is a copy of the
// LocalIntranet permission set.It can be modified
// to provide the permissions for the new permission
// set.Rename the copy to the name chosen for the new
// permission set.

IEnumerator permissions = ((NamedPermissionSet)

// Remove the current security permission from the
// permission set and replace it with a new security
// permission that does not have the right to assert
// permissions.
while (permissions.MoveNext()) {
if (
+ "Permissions.SecurityPermission")) {
// Remove the current security permission.

// Add a new security permission that only
// allows execution.
.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission

try {
// If you run this application twice, the following
// instruction throws an exception because the
// named permission set is already present.You can
// remove the custom named permission set using
// Caspole.exe or the
// .NET Framework Configuration tool
// Catch the exception for a duplicate permission set.
catch (System.ArgumentException e) {
} //CreateCompanyPermission

// Create new code groups using the custom named permission sets previously
// created.
private static void CreateCodeGroups()
// Create instances of the named permission sets created earlier to
// establish the permissions for the new code groups.
NamedPermissionSet companyCodeSet = new NamedPermissionSet
("MyCompany", PermissionState.Unrestricted);
NamedPermissionSet departmentCodeSet = new NamedPermissionSet
("MyDepartment", PermissionState.Unrestricted);

// Create new code groups using the named permission sets.
PolicyStatement policyMyCompany = new PolicyStatement
(companyCodeSet, PolicyStatementAttribute.LevelFinal);
PolicyStatement policyMyDepartment = new PolicyStatement
(departmentCodeSet, PolicyStatementAttribute.Exclusive);

// Create new code groups using UnionCodeGroup.
CodeGroup myCompanyZone = new UnionCodeGroup
(new ZoneMembershipCondition(SecurityZone.Intranet),


ubyte b1[] = { 0, 36, 0, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0,
0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 82, 83, 65, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 237, 146, 145, 51, 34, 97, 123, 196, 90, 174,
41, 170, 173, 221, 41, 193, 175, 39, 7, 151, 178, 0,
230, 152, 218, 8, 206, 206, 170, 84, 111, 145, 26, 208,
158, 240, 246, 219, 228, 34, 31, 163, 11, 130, 16, 199,
111, 224, 4, 112, 46, 84, 0, 104, 229, 38, 39, 63, 53,
189, 0, 157, 32, 38, 34, 109, 0, 171, 114, 244, 34, 59,
9, 232, 150, 192, 247, 175, 104, 143, 171, 42, 219, 66,
66, 194, 191, 218, 121, 59, 92, 42, 37, 158, 13, 108,
210, 189, 9, 203, 204, 32, 48, 91, 212, 101, 193, 19,
227, 107, 25, 133, 70, 2, 220, 83, 206, 71, 102, 245,
104, 252, 87, 109, 190, 56, 34, 180 };

StrongNamePublicKeyBlob blob = new StrongNamePublicKeyBlob(b1);
CodeGroup myDepartmentZone =
new UnionCodeGroup(new StrongNameMembershipCondition
(blob, null, null), policyMyDepartment);


// Move through the policy levels looking for the Machine policy level.
// Create two new code groups at that level.
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();

while (policyEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
// At the Machine level delete already existing copies of the
// custom code groups,then create the new code groups.
PolicyLevel currentLevel =
if (currentLevel.get_Label().equalsIgnoreCase("Machine")) {
// Remove old instances of the custom groups.

// Add the new code groups.
// To add a child code group, add the child to the parent
// prior to adding the parent to the root.

// Add the parent to the root code group.
// Save the security policy.
Console.WriteLine("Security policy modified.");
Console.WriteLine("New code groups added at the Machine"
+ " policy level.");
} //CreateCodeGroups

private static void CreateDepartmentPermission()
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
// Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
while (policyEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
PolicyLevel currentLevel = ((PolicyLevel)
if (currentLevel.get_Label().equalsIgnoreCase("Machine")) {
// Enumerate the permission sets in the Machine level.
IList namedPermissions =
IEnumerator namedPermission =

// Locate the Everything permission set.
while (namedPermission.MoveNext()) {
if (((NamedPermissionSet)(namedPermission.get_Current()))
.get_Name().equalsIgnoreCase("Everything")) {
// The current permission set is a copy of the
// Everything permission set.It can be modified
//to provide the permissions for the new permission
// set.Rename the copy to the name chosen for the new
// permission set.
IEnumerator permissions = ((NamedPermissionSet)

// Modify security permission by removing and
// replacing with a new permission.
while (permissions.MoveNext()) {
if (permissions.get_Current().GetType().ToString()
+ ".SecurityPermission")) {

// Add a new security permission with limited
// permissions.
SecurityPermission limitedPermission =
new SecurityPermission(
| SecurityPermissionFlag.RemotingConfiguration
| SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlThread);


try {
// If you run this application twice, the
// following instruction throws an exception
// because the named permission set is already
// present.You can remove the custom named
// permission set using Caspole.exe or the
// .NET Framework Configuration tool
catch (System.ArgumentException e) {
} //CreateDepartmentPermission

private static void DeleteCustomPermissions()
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
// Move through the policy levels to the Machine policy level.
while (policyEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
PolicyLevel currentLevel =
if (currentLevel.get_Label().equalsIgnoreCase("Machine")) {

try {
catch (System.ArgumentException e) {
// An exception is thrown if the named permission set
// cannot be found.
} //DeleteCustomPermissions

// Demonstrate the use of ResolvePolicy.
private static void CheckEvidence(Evidence evidence)
// Display the code groups to which the evidence belongs.
Console.WriteLine("ResolvePolicy for the given evidence.");
Console.WriteLine("Current evidence belongs to the following "
+ "code groups:");
IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
while (policyEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
PolicyLevel currentLevel =
CodeGroup cg1 = currentLevel.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence);

Console.WriteLine((currentLevel.get_Label() + " Level"));
Console.WriteLine(("\tCodeGroup = " + cg1.get_Name()));
Console.WriteLine(("StoreLocation = "
+ currentLevel.get_StoreLocation()));

IEnumerator cgE1 = cg1.get_Children().GetEnumerator();
while (cgE1.MoveNext()) {
Console.WriteLine(("\t\tGroup = "
+ ((CodeGroup)(cgE1.get_Current())).get_Name()));

// Show how ResolvePolicy is used to determine the set of permissions
// that would be granted by the security system to code, based on the
// evidence and the permission sets requested. The permission sets
// require Execute permission; allow optional Read access permission
// to C:\temp; and deny the code permission to control security policy.
Console.WriteLine(("\nCreate permission sets requiring Execute"
+ "permission, requesting optional " + "\nRead permission for "
+ "'C:\\temp',and dening permission to control policy."));

PermissionSet requiredSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
requiredSet.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission

PermissionSet optionalSet =
new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);

optionalSet.AddPermission(new FileIOPermission
(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, new System.String[] { "c:\\temp" }));

PermissionSet deniedSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);

deniedSet.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission

// Show the granted permissions.
Console.WriteLine("\nCurrent permissions granted:");

PermissionSet permsDenied = null;
IEnumerator myEnumerator = SecurityManager.ResolvePolicy(
evidence, requiredSet, optionalSet, deniedSet, permsDenied)

while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
IPermission perm = (IPermission)myEnumerator.get_Current();

// Show the denied permissions.
Console.WriteLine("Current permissions denied:");
myEnumerator = permsDenied.GetEnumerator();
while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
IPermission perm = (IPermission)myEnumerator.get_Current();
} //CheckEvidence
} //SecurityManagerSample

Inheritance Hierarchy

Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP Starter Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 98

The .NET Framework and .NET Compact Framework do not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see .NET Framework System Requirements.
Version Information
.NET Framework
Supported in: 3.5, 3.0, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0